(English follows)

UV kry tweede bloedneus met taalbeleid

’n Volbank regters van die Bloemfonteinse hooggeregshof  het Maandag beveel dat die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) nie sy nuwe taalbeleid nou mag implementeer nie. Die nuwe taalbeleid mag eers geïmplementeer word wanneer die universiteit se appèl teen ’n vroeëre uitspraak, ten gunste van Solidariteit en AfriForum, afgehandel is.

Die hooggeregshof het in Julie vanjaar beveel dat die UV se besluit om Afrikaans as onderrigmedium uit te faseer, hersien moet word. Dit volg nadat AfriForum en Solidariteit die hof genader het om dié nuwe taalbeleid te hersien.

Alana Bailey, adjunkhoof van AfriForum, sê: “Ons het geen keuse gehad nie as om die hooggeregshof  met ’n dringende aansoek te nader ten einde te verseker dat diegene wat van voornemens is om in 2017 in Afrikaanse te studeer, wel die reg daartoe sal hê.”

Volgens Johan Kruger, adjunkhoof van Solidariteit, is dit duidelik dat, waar prakties haalbaar, die grondwetlike reg op moedertaalonderrig aktief beskerm en opgeëis sal moet word.

Help ons om Afrikaans as onderrigmedium op UV teen politieke vuilspel te beskerm. SMS LID na 34802 (R2/SMS).



UFS receives second blow with language policy

A full bench of the Bloemfontein High Court ruled on Monday that the University of the Free State (UFS) may not implement its new language policy. The new language policy may not be implemented before the university’s appeal against an earlier ruling in favour of Solidarity and AfriForum has been finalised.

In July this year, the High Court ordered the UFS to review its approval of a new language policy in terms of which Afrikaans as medium of instruction was to be phased out. This followed after AfriForum and Solidarity had approached the court to review the new language policy.

Alana Bailey, deputy head of AfriForum,said, “We had no choice but to approach the High Court with an urgent application in order to ensure that those who intended to study in Afrikaans in 2017, would actually have the right to do so.”

According to Johan Kruger, deputy head of Solidarity, it is clear that wherever practically feasible, the constitutional right to mother tongue education should be actively protected and claimed.

Assist us to protect Afrikaans as medium of instruction at the UFS against political foul play. SMS MEMBER to 34802 (R2/SMS).

